(PDF) The use of SBTool on public procurement: challenges and opportunities. PDF | The discussion of the difficulties in the integration of environmental sustainability requirements in public buildings and the subsequent evaluation of the design projects leads to the analysis of the limits imposed by the laws governing the public procurement process, the... www.researchgate.net


BrazilFoundation » {Abrace o Brasil} 2 Weeks. brazilfoundation.org

(PDF) Lack of science support fails Brazil. PDF | On Sep 28, 2018, Kelly R. Zamudio and others published Lack of science support fails Brazil www.researchgate.net

BrazilFoundation » {Abrace o Brasil} 2 Weeks. brazilfoundation.org

(PDF) Publish and Flourish. PDF | In their Letter âBattling the paper glutâ (17 September 2010, p. [1466][1]), D. Siegel and P. Baveye lament that the academic community continues to enforce a âpublish or perishâ policy that is bad for science. Siegel and Baveye suggest that high publication output may be... www.researchgate.net

BrazilFoundation » {Abrace o Brasil} 2 Weeks. brazilfoundation.org
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